First Guiding Principle: Troop funds collected and earned by the girls belong to the troop, never belong to one individual and should never be distributed to the girls in any form. When a troop disbands, remaining troop monies, the troop’s checkbook, debit card, and all other materials belonging to the troop must be returned to the Membership Representative. When a troop disbands, splits, or reorganizes, and a girl or girls transfer to another troop, a prorated share of remaining troop funds will be forwarded to the troop to which they transfer.
The council encourages disbanding troops to expend all remaining troop funds in a manner determined by the girls, i.e. final troop trip, contribution to Service Area or District for girl program, charitable donation to another organization, etc. Troop funds do not become the property of any individual, girl or adult, per direction in Volunteer Essentials/Safety Activity Checkpoints.
When a troop disbands without girl-directed fund distribution, either the outgoing Troop Leader or the assigned staff member will be authorized to close the troop bank account and write a final check from the account or request that the financial institution issue a check for the balance in the account made payable to Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia. The check will be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer along with a completed Disbanded/Dormant Troop Bank Account Closure Information form.
Disbanded troop monies will be held in a restricted account for one (1) year from the time of disbandment. Monies not claimed by regrouping of the troop will be transferred to the council operating budget.
If one or more members of a disbanded troop re-register with another troop within one (1) year of their troop disbanding, a prorated share of monies will be disbursed to their new troop.
If a troop bank account has been dormant for one (1) year or more, council staff will be authorized to close the account and request that the financial institution issue a check for the balance in the account made payable to Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia. The check will be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer along with a completed Disbanded/Dormant Troop Bank Account Closure Information form completed by the Membership Representative. The check will be deposited into the council operating budget.