Have a daughter that joined and you want to get more involved? Used to be a Girl Scout and want to get back into your groove? This is the perfect way to do it! Moms, dads, guardians, family and friends are welcome to volunteer with us. Learn more about the roles available and choose whatever sparks your interest!
Troop Leader / Co-Leader
Work together to provide a quality Girl Scout Leadership Experience for girls through service to the girls assigned to their troop. The team structure allows each volunteer to maximize his or her skills as they partain to troop leadership.
Troop Family and Friends
Assist with driving, activity planning, snacks, money management, or other tasks necessary to keep the troop running oh-so-smoothly from week to week. You'll still need to register as a volunteer for this role - click here to start!
Product Sale Volunteers
Coordinate the fall product sales of nuts, chocolates, and magazines, PLUS the annual cookie sale at the troop level. Set up cookie booths, manage inventory and money, and then watch the girls light up when they earn the rewards for being the best cookie sellers ever!
Service Unit Volunteers
Support for adults and programming for girls in a specific geographical area. There are many service units in the Historic Georgia council, but you can assist in the area where you live!
Camp/Seasonal Volunteers
Help the girls explore nature and find the fun outdoors! This includes assisting with activities at council camp properties.
Adult Learning Facilitator
Work with council staff to train potential and current volunteers as well as provide enrichment opportunities to enhance the volunteers ability to help girls lead.
Special Event Volunteers
Help throughout the year at large council-organized activities for girls! Share your special hobby or skills with girls in your area. This could include STEM events, programming for older girls, outdoor education, cookie rallies, arts and crafts - the list is endless!