All troop transfer requests should be submitted by using the Change of Membership form. This form will expedite transfers from one troop to another within Girl Scouts of Historic GA. Please fill out this form separately for each individual needing to be transferred.
You may use this form if:
• You are one of the Troop Leaders receiving the Girl Scout member
• You are the Service Area Manager, District Chair, or Registrar in charge of the troop receiving the Girl Scout member
• You are a GSHG staff member
• You are a parent or guardian requesting a transfer of any family members to the Individually-Registered Member (IRM) / Juliette troop in your service area or district (IRM/Juliettes are members not affiliated with a troop, but are affiliated with a service area or district and complete Girl Scout activities with the guidance of their families)
Do not use this form if:
• You are a parent/guardian requesting a transfer of any family members to a traditional troop, as we will still need to hear from your new troop leader to place your Girl Scout. Please have your new troop leader fill out this form.
• You are a troop leader sending a girl or adult to another troop. We need to hear from the receiving troop leader, or alternatively, the SAM, District Chair, or appropriate GSHG staff member.